Monday, November 26, 2012

Sorry I've been away for awhile. Got caught up doing other things but I'm back in action. Let's just see how Congress deals with our budget crisis. I think it's pitiful how a bunch of college-educated and often business-savvy men and women can't get together and properly crunch the numbers. We'll see how it goes. Please share your opinions. Thanks!!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

I hate to say this but it's the truth. I think a lot of people who are voting for Governor Romney are not voting for him to get him in. They voting for him to get President Obama out. SO MANY people & politicians were determined from Day 1 to make him a one-term president because of petty and hateful reasons. And because of that, part of me would rather see President Obama lose because I honestly think he's a better president than our country deserves. In that light, may Governor Romney win.