Saturday, December 29, 2012

I'm sick of our Congressional leaders who can't get it together and bring forth a common-sense budget when corporations, small businesses, and families do it all the time. Speaker John Boehner and some of his buddies in particular are really getting on my last nerve. You're suppose to look out for 100% of the citizenry; not just the 2% you only care about and ignore the 98% you don't care about (unless, of course, it's election time).
This entire situation with the Sandy Hook shootings is just too sad for words. I fully believe that more armed school resource officers are needed and I don't have a problem with giving teachers permission to carry small firearms on a VOLUNTEER basis. These steps will help deter the next nutcase who decides that shooting up our precious children and teachers is the thing to do when they supposedly can't handle their personal problems. Feel free to speak your mind on this people.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Please share your thoughts on the Jovan Belcher ( KC Chiefs linebacker) murder-suicide situation. It's a subject that deserves much discussion.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sorry I've been away for awhile. Got caught up doing other things but I'm back in action. Let's just see how Congress deals with our budget crisis. I think it's pitiful how a bunch of college-educated and often business-savvy men and women can't get together and properly crunch the numbers. We'll see how it goes. Please share your opinions. Thanks!!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

I hate to say this but it's the truth. I think a lot of people who are voting for Governor Romney are not voting for him to get him in. They voting for him to get President Obama out. SO MANY people & politicians were determined from Day 1 to make him a one-term president because of petty and hateful reasons. And because of that, part of me would rather see President Obama lose because I honestly think he's a better president than our country deserves. In that light, may Governor Romney win.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Alright people-no matter who you vote for, just get out and vote. It's your right as an American and your duty as a citizen. God Bless!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I don't know what's more absurd: Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" comments or Lance Armstrong having his biking titles stripped.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Every election year you hear the same thing "No more negative political ads!". Yet they come around anyway and the saddest part is: I think a lot of Americans in general are too chickenshit to admit THEY WANT THOSE NEGATIVE ADS! Is this what it takes to get people to vote-political drama? Are we as a nation regressing to this inexcusable level of immaturity or; as I always suspected, just showing immaturity that has been around since the beginning and modern technology/media just makes it more accessible? Please share your thoughts!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tell me people who do you think will win the Presidency in November 2012 and how you think your pick will make the USA better-or even worst. Speak your minds but be respectful please.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hey everybody-quit complaining about President Obama! If Congress and the rest of the nation's idiots would quit hindering him, we would be a lot better off. Screamin' "Socialism" and everything else will get us nowhere as a country.