Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tell me people who do you think will win the Presidency in November 2012 and how you think your pick will make the USA better-or even worst. Speak your minds but be respectful please.


  1. I think that the Supreme Court decision gave a giant boost to Romney. The health care plan is still very unpopular. We all agree that something needs to be done, but that was not the right thing. I think that the repeal may be the deciding issue of this election.

  2. I respect your viewpoint but overall I would have to disagree. This country and our esteemed government has been saying "something needs to be done" for well over twenty years. Because our government along with its citizenry has not practiced sound fiscal policy, proper regulation enforcement, or exercising good sense in maintaining a healthy lifestyle at the personal level; these kinds of federal/ state policies unfortunately become inevitable and necessary. Should it be like this, of course not. But at this point, I don't see any other feasible choice right now but for the federal government to officially spearhead the initiative. Maybe down the road if and when people and their politicians pull their heads out of their arse, then these kinds of laws/ taxes won't be necessary anymore.

  3. Yes, but isn't it funny how the forces behind the government spending and greed (the politicians who passed the bill) were also capable of amending said health bill so THEY don't have to live under it's regulations... just saying... The government stepping in to make corrections in our financial plummet, while at the same time, putting themselves above the regulations they put in place will ultimately get us nowhere... Sorry

    1. For the most part that's true. It's our country, our constitution, our government, and our way of life. Sooner or later we all are going to have to face ourselves and have some faith in our system of government and the people running it. President Bill Clinton said it best: "There's nothing that's wrong in America that can't be fixed by what is right in America."

  4. I can't agree with the "we had to do something, even if it's wrong" approach. Our government is full of programs that we can't get rid of, even though everyone knows they don't work. Healthcare will not be solved with Obamacare. It will take a concerted effort of both parties, working together, to put out something that follows the Hypocratic oath, "First, do no harm!"
