Sunday, January 27, 2013

This whole gun control issue is SERIOUSLY overblown people. These past few weeks have shown how impressively stupid a lot of Americans can be. Basically put, it's gun restriction vs. the unequivocally absurd fear of the 2nd Amendment being severely diluted. Chill out people! If a kid has 10 toys and Mommy and Daddy take away two toys, that still leaves you with eight toys to play with so for God's sake, don't annoy me with your crying. And when the gym coach tells you it's dodgeball and we use the 4-square balls, not the football, the over-inflated basketball, or any other blatantly hard ball; they are dropping an easy hint for your stupid ass that there is a BIG difference between stopping the enemy and overkill. These people with their extreme views need to take a big breath and a Valium while they're at it!

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